Wednesday 19 October 2011

wahai makhluk tuhan..

wahai makhluk tuhan..skrng ni byak kali dh dgar tgok kes buang bayi,bnh bayi..apa dosa "bayi" itu?? dia cuma mangsa kpd rakusnya nafsu manusia yg tiada ht perut yg tiada perasaan..sedih hiba melihat bayi d bunuh kejam olh ibunya sendiri..d tggalkn d tp2 longkang..d mana perikemanusiaan insan yg bnma manusia? tgamak kejam melakukan smua itu..lbh kejam drp seekor binatang..
siapa yg ptt d slahkan?? ibu bapa? insan itu sendiri? d manakah moral maruah sorg mnsia? hemm...Jahil adalah perkataan yg sesuai utk insan yg mmg jahil sikapnya! bila d sekolah nk glamour nk kasi tunjuk sume org dia gah ada BF/GF tp hakikatnya BODOH x tau menilai mana baik mana buruk..seks bebas..main buat ja..ikut nafsu serakah! memalukan..adalah penah sy tgok d satu tempat d sekitar kuala lumpur...dlm otak dia,dia ingt dia trer kot....buat maksiat dpan2 org d tepi tangga pn d jadikan tempat..hemm..*geleng kepala sja la...inilah hakikat dunia..nk ikut budaya barat konon..budaya barat itu cma batasan mata korg dari media massa cba la korg g tu sna mana ada mcm tu..ctoh yg baik x mau ikut yg buruk mau ikut..inilah jadinya kes baung bayi..bnuh bayi..kerana kebodohan dri sdri..yg punca nya krn "cinta&sayang" kononnya..pastu cinat d syg korg jd pbunuh? wahai makhluk tuhan sedarlah pbuatan zina slah dlm agama..mgkin kita x sdar krn hanyut d buai permainan dunia....sstgh manusia yg celik matanya tp buta hati d mindanya..fuh! emosi...bukan apa sy emo krn sy masy yg ingin btulkn apakan daya manusia ni EGO dh tau slah d bangga2 kan..
Pwtc here i come! 14/10/2011 bsamaan jumaat ^_* lan berambeh bsama ur CM..apa yg sy cuba fkuskan ialah bila sy brada d pwtc d semasa pelancaran Lan berambeh tu rsa sy bangga jd ank swak apabila bkumandang nya lagu swak2 ngan segalanya ttg swak..apalagi dat s my 1st tme pg pwtc..not jakun bt proud la jga..x la rg p stdy jauh2..:p dpt jga tgok tmpt org la cma sekadar mdengar story2 org o tgok dlm tv je..hehe...nak tgok pict.. :p kasi show la..hihi!

Monday 13 June 2011

bungai terong tatoo...

One stick is held onto the skin with the needle or sharp stick going into the skin and the other is used as a type of hammer, tapping ink into the skin. The thickness, durability and type of stick are varied to which the tattooist prefers.
Stretching of the skin is very important to the process. Like with the sticks each artist has their own preferred way of having the skin stretched. Stretching is different on each part of the body and the correct stretching reduces the time taken to do that tattoo, considerably. A good assistant doing the stretching can reduce the time a tattoo takes by half.

 Borneo Tattooing Designs

The most common of Borneo designs are thick black tribal work, which all have different meanings.
Nature is the main focus when designing a Borneo Traditional Tattooing such as leaves, animals, fruits, trees and branches.

 Women's Tattoos

Women of Borneo also have tattoos, but are of a different style of designs and are placed at different positions from those of men. One of these are bands on the forearms which mark the skills that the women has, such as weaving and cooking. Borneo Men would not marry a woman without these tattoos, because the woman is still a girl and not worth marrying.

 Men's Tattoos

The Bunga Terung, which translates to the eggplant flower, is the first tattoo a Borneo male would receive. The Bunga Terung is a coming of age tattoo which marks the passage of a boy into manhood. The Bunga Terung has a spiral at the center of the eggplant flower the Tali Nyawa, which means the rope of life and is identical to the underside of a tadpole which symbolizes the beginning of a new life.
All the tattoos, following the eggplant flower, are like a diary. A young male would go out on his own to find knowledge and from each place he went to he would get one tattoo to mark not only where he is from but also where he has been. From each place the tattoos have different styles so the regional differences in his tattoos would tell the story of his journeys in life.
Borneo tattoos do not just mark physical journeys. Some represent big life events, such as fathering children etc. For example there is a tattoo a man can have done on his hand called the Entegulun. You can only have this if you have taken heads. Some tattoos can be for protection, for example the tattoos on the throat (Ukir Rekong) are meant to give strength to the skin on the throat, to stop your enemies from being able to take your head